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5th Dimensional Empowerments

"God Is Everlasting Light!"

Founded By: Victor Glanckopf

Prerequisite: Any Advanced Energy Work

Aeternus Eternus (Everlasting) Workshop Initiations are a profound leap in energy work!

The goals of this Workshop are to activate powerful Initiations to bring the aureole of God's all-protecting omnipresence into your life.

These Initiations are also designed to follow you into your final emancipation to guide and heal you there.

Somewhere in each person's sub consciousness and higher mind, the Higher Self knows himself as himself!

Contemplate the above and you will come to know yourself as Soul!

You will never really be happy by trying to satisfy your senses as your senses give you sense pleasures in the beginning and will ultimately produce satiety and unhappiness.

One of the best ways to create happiness for yourself is to activate the Initiations in this Workshop as they will help you to control your senses.

Too many material luxuries produce unhappiness so learn to be contented equally in all of life's vicissitudes.

You can be a prince of peace in a rundown shack or unhappy living in a palace.

"Happiness is a mental phenomenon exclusively. You must first establish it firmly within yourself, and then with an undying resolution always to be happy, go through the world seeking health, prosperity, and wisdom.
Remember that to battle failure and sickness and to seek success ever with a happy attitude will bring you far, far nearer to your desired goal than if with an unhappy mind you try to gain your heart's desire, no matter what that desire may be." ~ Yogananda

4 Remarkable Initiations!

Aeternus Eternus-practitioner-$145.00

You will receive the Aeternus Eternus Manual via Email, All Attunements and a Printed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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