This dialogue is in many ways the culmination of the whole Corpus,
summing up the theory of the Hermetic system at the same time as it
provides an intriguing glimpse at the practice. The focus of the dialogue
is the experience of Rebirth, which involves the replacement of twelve
Tormentors within the self by ten divine Powers, leading to the awakening
of knowledge of the self and God.
The "Secret Hymnody" (sections 17-20) is presented as a
litany for worship, to be performed twice each day, at sunrise and sunset.
It's interesting to note that while the sunrise worship is performed
facing east, the sunset worship is done to the south; Egyptian tradition
from Pharaonic times onward saw the west as the direction of death.
1. Tat: [Now] in the General Sermons, father, thou didst speak in
riddles most unclear, conversing on Divinity; and when thou saidst no
man could e'er be saved before Rebirth, thy meaning thou didst hide.
Further, when I became thy Suppliant, in Wending up the Mount, after
thou hadst conversed with me, and when I longed to learn the Sermon
(Logos) on Rebirth (for this beyond all other things is just the thing
I know not), thou saidst, that thou wouldst give it me - "when
thou shalt have become a stranger to the world".
Wherefore I got me ready and made the thought in me a stranger to
the world-illusion.
And now do thou fill up the things that fall short in me with what
thou saidst would give me the tradition of Rebirth, setting it forth
in speech or in the secret way.
I know not, O Thrice-greatest one, from out what matter and what womb
Man comes to birth, or of what seed .
2. Hermes: Wisdom that understands in silence [such is the matter
and the womb from out which Man is born], and the True Good the seed.
Tat: Who is the sower, father? For I am altogether at a loss.
Hermes: It is the Will of God, my son.
Tat: And of what kind is he that is begotten, father? For I have no
share of that essence in me, which doth transcend the senses. The one
that is begot will be another one from God, God's Son?
Hermes: All in all, out of all powers composed.
Tat: Thou tellest me a riddle, father, and dost not speak as father
unto son.
Hermes: This Race, my son, is never taught; but when He willeth it,
its memory is restored by God.
3. Tat: Thou sayest things impossible, O father, things that are forced.
Hence answers would I have direct unto these things. Am I a son strange
to my father's race?
Keep it not, father, back from me. I am a true-born son; explain to
me the manner of Rebirth.
Hermes: What may I say, my son? I can but tell thee this. Whene'er
I see within myself the Simple Vision brought to birth out of God's
mercy, I have passed through myself into a Body that can never die.
And now i am not as I was before; but I am born in Mind.
The way to do this is not taught, and it cannot be seen by the compounded
element by means of which thou seest.
Yea, I have had my former composed form dismembered for me. I am no
longer touched, but I have touch; I have dimension too; and am
I a stranger to them now.
Thou seest me with eyes, my son; but what I am thou dost not understand
with fullest strain of body and of sight.
4. Tat: Into fierce frenzy and mind-fury hast thou plunged me, father,
for now no longer do I see myself.
Hermes: I would, my son, that thou hadst e'en passed right through
thyself, as they who dream in sleep yet sleepless.
Tat: Tell me this too! Who is the author of Rebirth?
Hermes: The Son of God, the One Man, by God's Will.
5. Tat: Now hast thou brought me, father, unto pure stupefaction.
Arrested from the senses which I had before,...<lacuna in original
text>; for [now] I see thy Greatness identical with thy distinctive
Hermes: Even in this thou art untrue; the mortal form doth change
with every day. 'Tis turned by time to growth and waning, as being an
untrue thing.
6. Tat: What then is true, Thrice-greatest One?
Hermes: That which is never troubled, son, which cannot be defined;
that which no color hath, nor any figure, which is not turned, which
hath no garment, which giveth light; that which is comprehensible unto
itself [alone], which doth not suffer change; that which no body can
Tat: In very truth I lose my reason, father. Just when I thought to
be made wise by thee, I find the senses of this mind of mine blocked
Hermes: Thus is it, son: That which is upward borne like fire, yet
is borne down like earth, that which is moist like water, yet blows
like air, how shalt thou this perceive with sense - the that which is
not solid nor yet moist, which naught can bind or loose, of which in
power and energy alone can man have any notion - and even then it wants
a man who can perceive the Way of Birth in God?
7. Tat: I am incapable of this, O father, then?
Hermes: Nay, God forbid, my son! Withdraw into thyself, and it will
come; will, and it comes to pass; throw out of work the body's senses,
and thy Divinity shall come to birth; purge from thyself the brutish
torments - things of matter.
Tat: I have tormentors then in me, O father?
Hermes: Ay, no few, my son; nay, fearful ones and manifold.
Tat: I do not know them, father.
Hermes: Torment the first is this Not-knowing, son; the second one
is Grief; the third, Intemperance; the fourth, Concupiscence; the fifth,
Unrighteousness; the sixth is Avarice; the seventh, Error; the eighth
is Envy; the ninth, Guile; the tenth is Anger; eleventh, Rashness; the
twelfth is Malice.
These are in number twelve; but under them are many more, my son;
and creeping through the prison of the body they force the man that's
placed therein to suffer in his senses. But they depart (though not
all at once) from him who hath been taken pity on by God; and this it
is which constitutes the manner of Rebirth.
8. And now, my son, be still and solemn silence keep! Thus shall the
mercy that flows on us from God not cease.
Henceforth rejoice, O son, for by the Powers of God thou art being
purified for the articulation of the Reason (Logos).
Gnosis of God hath come to us, and when this comes, my son, Not-knowing
is cast out.
Gnosis of Joy hath come to us, and on its coming, son, Sorrow will
flee away to them who give it room. The Power that follows Joy do I
invoke, thy Self-control. O Power most sweet! Let us most gladly bid
it welcome, son! How with its coming doth it chase Intemperance away!
9. Now fourth, on Continence I call, the Power against Desire. <lacuna
in the original text> This step, my son, is Righteousness' firm seat.
For without judgement <other translators read this "without
effort"> see how she hath chased Unrighteousness away. We are
made righteous, son, by the departure of Unrighteousness.
Power sixth I call to us - that against Avarice, Sharing-with-all.
And now that Avarice is gone, I call on Truth. And Error flees, and
Truth is with us.
See how [the measure of] the Good is full, my son, upon Truth's coming.
For Envy is gone from us; and unto Truth is joined the Good as well,
with Life and Light.
And now no more doth any torment of the Darkness venture nigh, but
vanquished [all] have fled with whirring wings .
10. Thou knowest [now], my son, the manner of Rebirth. And when the
Ten is come, my son, that driveth out the Twelve, the Birth in understanding
<literally "intellectual birth", noera genesis>
is complete, and by this birth we are made into Gods.
Who then doth by His mercy gain this Birth in God, abandoning the
body's senses, knows himself [to be of Light and Life] and that he doth
consist of these, and [thus] is filled with bliss.
11. Tat: By God made steadfast, father, no longer with the sight my
eyes afford I look on things, but with the energy the Mind doth give
me through the Powers.
In Heaven am I, in earth, in water, air; I am in animals, in plants;
I'm in the womb, before the womb, after the womb; I'm everywhere!
But further tell me this: How are the torments of the Darkness, when
they are twelve in number, driven out by the ten Powers? What is the
way of it, Thrice-greatest one?
12. Hermes: This dwelling-place through which we have just passed
<i.e., the human body>, my son, is constituted from the circle
of the twelve types-of-life, this being composed of elements, twelve
in number, but of one nature, an omniform idea. For man's delusion there
are disunions in them, son, while in their action they are one. Not
only can we never part Rashness from Wrath; they cannot even be distinguished.
According to right reason (logos), then, they <the Twelve> naturally
withdraw once and for all, in as much as they are chased out by no less
than ten powers, that is, the Ten.
For, son, the Ten is that which giveth birth to souls. And Life and
Light are unified there, where the One hath being from the Spirit. According
then to reason (logos) the One contains the Ten, the Ten the One.
13. Tat: Father, I see the All, I see myself in Mind.
Hermes: This is, my son, Rebirth - no more to look on things from
body's view-point; though this Sermon (Logos) on Rebirth, on which I did not
comment - in order that we may not be calumniators of the All unto the
multitude, to whom indeed God Himself doth will we should not.
14. Tat: Tell me, O father: This Body which is made up of the Powers,
is it at any time dissolved?
Hermes: Hush, [son]! Speak not of things impossible, else wilt thou
sin and thy Mind's eye be quenched.
The natural body which our sense perceives is far removed from this
essential birth.
The first must be dissolved, the last can never be; the first must
die, the last death cannot touch.
Dost thou not know thou hast been born a God, Son of the One, even
as I myself?
15. Tat: I would, O father, hear the Praise-giving with hymn which
thou didst say thou heardest then when thou wert at the Eight [the Ogdoad]
of Powers
Hermes: Just as the Shepherd did foretell [I should], my son, [when
I came to] the Eight.
Well dost thou haste to "strike thy tent" <i.e., be free
from the physical body>, for thou hast been made pure.
The Shepherd, Mind of all masterhood, hath not passed on to me more
than hath been written down, for full well did he know that I should
of myself be able to learn all, and hear what I should wish, and see
all things.
He left to me the making of fair things; wherefore the Powers within
me. e'en as they are in all, break into song.
16. Tat: Father, I wish to hear; I long to know these things.
Hermes: Be still, my son; hear the Praise-giving now that keeps [the
soul] in tune, Hymn of Re-birth - a hymn I would not have thought fit
so readily to tell, had'st thou not reached the end of all.
Wherefore this is not taught, but is kept hid in silence.
Thus then, my son, stand in a place uncovered to the sky, facing the
southern wind, about the sinking of the setting sun, and make thy worship;
so in like manner too when he doth rise, with face to the east wind.
Now, son, be still!
The Secret Hymnody
17. Let every nature of the World receive the utterance of my hymn!
Open thou Earth! Let every bolt of the Abyss be drawn for me. Stir
not, ye Trees!
I am about to hymn creation's Lord, both All and One.
Ye Heavens open and ye Winds stay still; [and] let God's deathless
Sphere receive my word (logos)!
For I will sing the praise of Him who founded all; who fixed the Earth,
and hung up Heaven, and gave command that Ocean should afford sweet
water [to the Earth], to both those parts that are inhabited and those
that are not, for the support and use of every man; who made the Fire
to shine for gods and men for every act.
Let us together all give praise to Him, sublime above the Heavens,
of every nature Lord!
'Tis He who is the Eye of Mind; may He accept the praise of these
my Powers!
18. Ye powers that are within me, hymn the One and All; sing with
my Will, Powers all that are within me!
O blessed Gnosis, by thee illumined, hymning through thee the Light
that mond alone can see, I joy in Joy of Mind.
Sing with me praises all ye Powers!
Sing praise, my Self-control; sing thou through me, my Righteousness,
the praises of the Righteous; sing thou, my Sharing-all, the praises
of the All; through me sing, Truth, Truth's praises!
Sing thou, O Good, the Good! O Life and Light, from us to you our
praises flow!
Father, I give Thee thanks, to Thee Thou Energy of all my Powers;
I give Thee thanks, O God, Thou Power of all my Energies!
19. Thy Reason (Logos) sings through me Thy praises. Take back through
me the All into [Thy] Reason - [my] reasonable oblation!
Thus cry the Powers in me. They sing Thy praise, Thou All; they do
Thy Will.
From Thee Thy Will; to Thee the All. Receive from all their reasonable
oblation. The All that is in us, O Life, preserve; O Light<,>
illumine it; O God<,> in-spirit it.
It it Thy Mind that plays the shepherd to Thy Word, O Thou Creator,
Bestower of the Spirit [upon all].
20. Thou art God, Thy Man thus cries to Thee through Fire, through
Air, through Earth, through Water, [and] through Spirit, through Thy
'Tis from Thy Aeon I have found praise-giving; and in thy Will, the
object of my search, have I found rest.
Tat: By thy good pleasure have I seen this praise-giving being sung,
O father; I have set it in my Cosmos too.
Hermes: Say in the Cosmos that thy mind alone can see, my son.
Tat: Yea, father, in the Cosmos that the mind alone can see; for I
have been made able by thy Hymn, and by thy Praise-giving my mind hath
been illumined. But further I myself as well would from my natural mind
send praise-giving to God.
21. Hermes: But not unheedfully, my son.
Tat: Aye. What I behold in mind, that do I say.
To thee, thou Parent of my Bringing into Birth, as unto God I, Tat,
send reasonable offerings. o God and Father, thou art the Lord, thou
art the Mind. Receive from me oblations reasonable as thou would'st
wish; for by thy Will all things have been perfected.
Hermes: Send thou oblation, son, acceptable to God, the Sire of all;
but add, my son, too, "through the Word" (Logos).
Tat: I give thee, father, thanks for showing me to sing such hymns.
22. Hermes: Happy am I, my son, that though hast brought the good
fruits forth of Truth, products that cannot die.
And now that thou hast learnt this lesson from me, make promise to
keep silence on thy virtue, and to no soul, my son, make known the handing
on to thee the manner of Rebirth, that we may not be thought to be calumniators.
And now we both of us have given heed sufficiently, both I the speaker
and the hearer thou.
In Mind hast thou become a Knower of thyself and our Sire.