Temple Of Empowerment

Pharmaceuticals-No Thanks

16 drugs that have been pulled off the market in the last few years!

And they complain when anyone gets a temporary headache when talking herbs!

Vioxx. The king of withdrawn drugs and well documented for causing 60,000 fatal heart attacks and strokes and as many as 160,000 heart attacks and strokes all by itself.

Bextra: Similar drug to Vioxx, withdrawn for similar reasons.

Rezulin: Given fast-track approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Rezulin was linked to 63 confirmed deaths and probably hundreds more. "We have real trouble," a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) physician wrote in 1997, just a few months after Rezulin's approval. The drug wasn't taken off the market until 2000.

Baycol: (made by Bayer AG) - a cholesterol-lowering drug taken by 700,000 Americans - It had been linked to 31 U.S. deaths. At least nine more fatalities abroad are known.

Lotronex: Against concerns of one of its own officers, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Lotronex in February 2000. By the time it was withdrawn 9 months later, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had received reports of 93 hospitalizations, multiple emergency bowel surgeries, and 5 deaths.

Propulsid: A top-selling drug for many years, this drug was linked to hundreds of cases of heart arrhythmias and over 100 deaths.

Redux: Taken by millions of people for weight loss after its approval in April 1996, Redux was soon linked to heart valve damage and a disabling, often lethal pulmonary disorder. Taken off the market in September 1997.

Pondimin: A component of Fen-Phen, the diet fad drug. Approved in 1973, Pondimin's link to heart valve damage and a lethal pulmonary disorder wasn't recognized until shortly before its withdrawal in 1997.

Duract: This painkiller was taken off the market when it was linked to severe, sometimes fatal liver failure.

Seldane: America's and the world's top-selling antihistamine for a decade, it took the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 5 years to recognize that Seldane was causing cardiac arrhythmias, blackouts, hospitalizations, and deaths, and another 8 years to take it off the market.

Hismanal: Approved in 1988 and soon known to cause cardiac arrhythmias, the drug was finally taken off the market in 1999.

Posicor: Used to treat hypertension, the drug was linked to life-threatening drug interactions and more than 100 deaths.

Raxar: Linked to cardiac toxicities and deaths.

Cylert: FDA received 13 reports of pemoline-associated hepatic failure leading to liver transplantation or death, representing an incidence rate 10 to 25 times greater than that of the general population.

Palladone: Withdrawn due to a high risk of accidental overdose when administered with alcohol.

Tysabri: Was expected to become the world's leading treatment for MS, but was pulled from the market after a patient died from a rare central nervous system infection.

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