Saint Germain

The first step to the control of yourself is the stilling of all outer activity of both mind and body. Fifteen to thirty minutes at night before retiring and in the morning before beginning the day's work, using the following exercise, will do wonders for anyone who will make the necessary effort.

For the second step: Make certain of being undisturbed, and after becoming very still, picture and feel your body enveloped in a Dazzling White Light. The first five minutes while holding this picture, recognise and feel intensely the connection between the outer-self and Your Mighty God Within, focusing your attention upon the heart centre and visualising it as a Golden Sun. The next step is the acknowledgment: "I now joyously accept the fullness of the Mighty God Presence - the Pure Christ". Feel the great brilliance of the Light and intensify it into every cell of your body for at least ten minutes longer.

Then close the meditation by the command: "I Am a Child of the Light - I love the Light - I serve the Light - I live in the Light - I am protected, illumed, supplied and sustained by the Light and I bless the Light."

by Godfre Ray King

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