The God Factory

Chris has repeatedly brought up the subject of good and bad with regard to elemental theta manifestations. No one yet seems to have answered his questions directly, and I am not sure I can do so satisfactorily, but I will try.

There are possibly absolute definitions of good and bad, but they would always be relative to some being's DESIRES. If there are some absolute desires, such as to live forever, to have games (which include penalties and pain, but maybe not permanent loss) then good would be those things which aligned with these desires.

If theta or thetans are sovereign as some suggest (not me, lord forbid) then anything created by a thetan, since it must come from his own desire, must be good, no matter how painful it might seem in the present.

If thetans are not inherently sovereign, then it is possible that things exist in the universe or in the basic nature of theta itself which theta finds itself opposed to, even actually detests, and so these parts of existence would be considered bad by theta.

As to whether or not they really WERE bad, begs the question of 'bad relative to whose desire?'

Within a game, you can set rules, and it is implied that once you have done this, following the rules is good, and breaking the rules is bad. People can enter your game with the intention to cheat, to break the rules in order to win unfairly, so from within the game it looks like these people are bad, even though a sovereign thetan would have had to set the game up so that people COULD enter it with an intention to cheat, so having such beings in this case would be good.

But within games, good and bad are well defined, they involve following and breaking the rules. Penalties are set up so that punishments and rewards are allotted according to whether you follow or break the rules. These punishments and rewards, being of pain and pleasure, ugly and beauty, are themselves intrinsically bad and good.

Sometimes really vicious games are set up so that painful penalties are associated not only with breaking the rules but also with LOSING the game. This puts constant pressure on the players to choose between breaking the rules and losing, especially if they think they can escape being caught for breaking the rules, and that breaking the rules will help them win.

Thus we have two kinds of good and bad, good and bad behavior, and good and bad experiences. Good and bad behavior seems more arbitrary as it is defined by the rules of the game which can be changed by the game creators. Good and bad experiences are more absolute as they have to do with beauty and ugly which in my opinion are mathematical absolutes relating to harmony and disharmony.

However any good musician will tell you that even disharmony can be good if it is used intelligently within the framework of a greater whole where the discord is resolved into a harmony at the end. The best pieces are not all harmony, as anyone who has appreciated Tchaikovski's violin concerto can attest.

It is therefore one of the philosopher's main jobs to ask if the pain and disharmony that we see in life is indeed part of a bigger picture including the past and future and ALL of the present wherein the present disharmony is somehow resolved into a harmony at the end, which harmony is better for having been resolved from a disharmony.

It has been suggested that harmony is only of value WHEN it resolves a disharmony, although I personally have had visions of clear harmony which belie this position.

Within a game therefore, it is plausible to find that various behaviors are considered good and bad according to whether they produce resolve or not, and whether they break the rules of the game.

It is possible that if a being runs away from doing the wrong thing, and makes his wrong thing right, he will continue in error, which will lead to a form of decay based on denial of doing wrong.

He will withhold, he will limit himself, he will make others wrong who are right, he will generally become more unconscious of himself and his past and future, and the present, and he will be less and less able to play the game at the level of game piece that he is accustomed to. Thus he may take on smaller and smaller pieces and roles as they are the only options left to him as he corners himself in his denial of wrongness.

How many corners can you back yourself into before you become a rat?

So that could be considered a poetic statement of the law of decay espoused by myself and others including Hubby about what happens to beings who continue to withhold and do wrong. They refuse to correct an error, they refuse apology and confession, and they continue on down the dwindling spiral by holding onto their engrams and memories of pain harder and harder because they act as justifications and make rights for the wrong that they did.

"You hurt me second, so I was RIGHT to hurt you first!"

Hubbard says beings do not last long in this universe, but quickly become entities in other people's lives, eventually to fall to the bottom of the tone scale as a form of stone cold apathetic MEST, not physical universe MEST, but a ball of mental mass and entheta, or enturbulated theta.

What mental mass is, is a higher harmonic of physical mass. The physical universe is the lowest of seven planes of existence labeled by the Theosophers as Physical/Etheric, Astral, Mental/Causal, Buddhic, Nirvanic, Monadic and Divine.

((A monad is an indivisible and impenetrable unit of substance viewed as the basic constituent element of reality.)

Each plane is it self divided into 7 sub planes. The Mental plane in particular has 4 lower planes which have to do with normal thought and which are usually considered the 'mental' plane. The upper 3 planes of the mental plane have to do with thoughts that can not be put into words and in particular have to do with personal responsibility and personal CAUSATION and is therefore referred to as the CAUSAL plane by the Theosophers and as the Spiritual plane by Adore.

The physical plane is also divided into 7 subplanes. The lower 4 physical subplanes are the material planes that we know of in the physical universe. The upper 3 planes are are called the Etheric plane and are the physical efforts exercised directly by the thetan in its effort to control the physical universe. The etheric plane is that elusive bond that everyone says doesn't exist and which if it were sensed would prove that something more is affecting the body than mere biochemistry. The body's RIDER in other words rides the body through the reigns of the etheric plane. The etheric plane is the operational interface between the higher planes and the body on the physical plane.

Thus we have the following correlations between Theosophy, Hubbard and Adore.


'The Purpose of Creation is Trade in Expressions of Discovery'.

To the theosophist, the soul resides in present time on the three lowest of their seven planes, the mental, astral and physical. (By mental plane I mean here to include the causal plane, and the physical includes the etheric).

The Soul, being created in the image of God, is a Triune being, which means he has three 'bodies' or parts to his overall beingness. They are the physical, emotional and mental parts.

As a soul goes through his multi lifetime, multi body journey, he evolves on the causal plane until he is bulging out the top of it. At the point he breaks through to the Buddhic plane of consciousness he becomes 'Enlightened'. At that point he moves all three of his bodies up one plane. Now he resides on the Buddhic, Mental and Astral planes only.

The outward implication of this is that he no longer needs to use EFFORT to get things done, he can merely emote them into existence as the emotional plane is his lowest plane and the one he uses to interact with the world. This is a recovery of 'Desire is Sovereign.' He is not all powerful in the sense of being able to do anything, but he can act without EFFORT, and he does now recognize that everything which exists is in accordance with his own desire, so he has recovered his sense of sovereignty in good working order.

Adore would say his Sovereignty is balanced by his Majesty which is his Sovereign Desire that his Desire not be Sovereign for a while.

Further since he is no longer tied to the physical plane via his use of the etheric subplanes to get things done, he is free to wander around where his body is not. He can also put himself inside of other people's heads and be them or see what they are being, doing and having and thinking, feeling and exerting.

He no longer controls his body by effort or mental force, but communicates with it as anyone would communicate with another animal, for example a dog. You don't MAKE the dog come, you say 'Come!' and it comes, ON ITS OWN ACCORD. Just so with the body.

The enlightened soul's journey now consists of mastering the Buddhic plane of consciousness until he once again breaks through to the Nirvanic plane which is often called Nirvana, or Christ Consciousness. The Christ, considered as a post, is the head being of the Nirvanic Plane of beings.

I believe that a dude name Metteya either is or recently was the holder of that post. Jesus, Homer, I can't believe you don't know this. Shame on you.

Anyhow, the Theosophers hold that Jesus was an incarnation of Metteya or whoever was holding the post during his time on Earth.

I have had many micro second visions from the Nirvanic plane, and all I can say is that it is Class beyond Imagination. I assure you, there is no Hell Forever. The kindness, wisdom and INTELLIGENCE of The Christ plane is unfathomable, unmeasurable, and without bounds, truly a Sovereign Omnilord of Unanimous Regency and Caliber Excaliper (SOURCE).

As the Soul enters each plane above where he is, he raises up all of his three bodies with him, shedding the lowest plane he was last on. Thus he remains a Triune Being to the very top which is called the Divine plane. The Divine plane relates to the Divine Chakra, at the top of the head, much as the lower planes each relate to their own Chakra.

The attainment of the top subplane of the Divine plane is the attainment of total Sovereignty in this universe. One becomes at that moment one with God, literally and figuratively.

At the top of the Divine Plane is the head of all head Triune Beings, God himself, again another post for this universe, held by someone real. This God by the way has the Divine plane as his BOTTOM plane, so his top two planes are in the next universe out!

Above this God is another whole series of planes in a larger universe of which our God is himself an evolving Spirit among many.

As the soul from this universe passes through the top level Divine plane he enters the bottom plane of the next universe out and becomes himself a pre-God among peers, other souls who have embarked on this same journey, all of whom are preparing to have their own personal universe of beings.

We call this the God Factory.

Now THIS boggles the mind.

By the way, you can't go around the God of this universe, or try to petition HIS God in a dispute. The God of this universe has absolute Sovereignty over this universe. As long as you are in this universe, which you are by your own choice, you are under Him and only Him.

So you ask for proof of all this.

Well first of all it's a THEORY. But it's a theory based on direct personal reports of beings who claim to have been there and returned to tell the tale.

Someone claimed they went, they saw, they returned and they reported.

It is going to be hard to prove without taking you there for your own experience, although I think it might be done.

They all belong in a mental institution, you say?

Well perhaps.

You see the problem is that when a meatball asks for proof, he is really asking for evidence. But when he asks for evidence he is really asking for a THEORY BACKED BY EVIDENCE.

You see he considers that he can't consider some thing TRUE unless he has a theory which SAYS that thing is true and evidence to back it up, EVEN THOUGH HE WILL ADMIT THAT EVIDENCE BACKING UP A THEORY DOES NOT PROVE TRUTH WITH CERTAINTY!

Thus even if he sees something with his own conscious experience, unless he has a theory about it, and some evidence to back it up, he won't be able to accept what he saw.

If I go to the Nirvanic plane and I see all this stuff there, and I come back and report what I saw, someone can always say, well maybe you were hallucinating. Maybe it isn't real.

But what does he mean by REAL?

Perhaps he means, well something that HE can go see too.

So you take HIM to the Nirvanic plane and he sees just what you saw and he comes back and he says,

'Well maybe I was hallucinating, maybe it is not real.'

So you take 50,000 people there, all separately, and they all come back and report the same thing, and of course they will all say, 'Well maybe we are all hallucinating, maybe it is not real.'

Well if seeing is not believing, then how do you know you exist? How do you know you are awake? Do you have a theory that you exist, and some evidence to back it up, so it becomes a good guess that you exist?

No of course not, that's nonsense. You LOOK and you KNOW.

But some people don't believe what they see. They must have a theory and evidence to back it up, to verify with high probability that what they can observe directly and with perfect certainty, does indeed probably exist.

What is objective reality?

It is what everyone can see and agree to and manages to be consistent from day to day.

If you need a theory and evidence to back it up in order to know that you exist, then you are surely too far gone to know anything with certainty merely by LOOKING, and so of course you will have little to no experience of the higher planes of consciousness.

And even if you still manage to get a glimpse, you will say, 'Maybe I was hallucinating, maybe it was not real, how do I support my theory that what I saw was real without just looking at it again.'

You see they play their scientific games with themselves, a game of vias. They already have a theory which says nothing can be known for certain, because all knowledge consists of theories backed up by evidence which they readily admit proves nothing.

So they don't know that they exist, but they do have a well supported theory that they exist. But what evidence do they have that they exist? What evidence do they have that THAT EVIDENCE exists? Do they have another theory that says that the evidence exists too? Backed up by what evidence?

Eventually someone has to LOOK and see what they see, and take it as a given self evident truth that if they see something it must exist and be true.

That is how you know you exist, you look and it is OBVIOUSLY true.

Nirvana is the same way. It is not some mechanical theoretical out thereness which you can never see and so can only hypothesize and get peer review about.

Nirvana is inside you, it is part of your own consciousness. It, like all conscious experiences, IS ITSELF the evidence at the end of the chain of looking for evidence to prove there is evidence.

It IS what you finally look at and say, yes I see it, therefore it is true.

All nirvana is, is something to see.

Consciousness is self luminous, you don't need something ELSE, some other evidence, to support to yourself that you see. It is not a theory that you see. Those to whom seeing is just a theory, AREN'T SEEING! They can't be seeing because all they have is an uncertain theory that they see, backed by some uncertain evidence which they saw using their theoretical ability to see!

Not only does Nirvana exist, but it also has a wonderful sense of humor.

But really, it takes an ability to SEE.

Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith

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