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Temple Of Empowerment

Anteros Empowerment

Created by Linda Kaye

Anteros (brother eros) can help you to heal obstacles to finding love, and he can help you uncover the true reasons why you do not allow yourself to be loved and then work with you on a regular basis to resolve your issues of choosing emotionally unavailable men or women.

Those who have walls up to love can sometimes cause physical illnesses within themselves; and for those of you who do have physical illnesses you may have avoided illness if you resolved your patterns of choose partners you are not able to love.

Love is a powerful gift of energy that God gives to us when we are born. Many of us choose to accept this gift and many of us choose not to.

If we choose not to accept the gift of love, then we get into relationships of unrequited love and this is where Anteros comes in. Anteros will help you to transform your emotional blockages.

A heart that is covered with anger, grief, fear or pain, cannot possible feel, receive or give love. After you have been attuned to Anteros, regular self attunements will help you to accept the energy and gift of love and to transform you fear of being loved.

You will receive 1 distant attunement and the original manual sent as pdf attachment & certificate if requested.

Anteros Empowerment- Master-$20.00

You will receive the Anteros Empowerment manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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