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Temple Of Empowerment

Angel Cherubim Abraxas Reiki Attunement

The Angel Cherubim Abraxas attunement connects you with the energies of Abraxas.

Angel Abraxas is the angel of magick, mysteries, and manifestation. The energies of this attunement will help you with manifestation, with learning the mysteries, and with focus and centeredness in magick, as well as in working toward your goals.

This rarely heard of Angel has often been misunderstood. Abraxas is a very powerful Angel whose name is associated mathematically with the number 365.

Angel Abraxas will help you with improving your self esteem, your belief in yourself, and becoming successful in any area of your life. The magick of the mysteries lies in the ancient truths and wisdom, and learning to apply these to your life today can be confusing at times. Angel Abraxas will help you with learning the ancient wisdom and bring the magick forth from within you so that you can become confident and more successful.

Abraxas offers the gifts of wisdom, empowerment, foresight, and vigilance (watchful protection and alertness) to you. While you do not need to have an attunement to work with Abraxas, this attunement will connect you quickly and strengthen your abilities to manifest, learn, and grow.

Angel Cherubim Abraxas Reiki Attunement - Master-$19.00

You will receive the Angel Cherubim Abraxas Reiki Attunement master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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