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Temple Of Empowerment

Amore Love Activation

Created by Rosemary Noel

- Fire up the erotic spark in your relationship -

First of all congrats if you have been in a relationship for any length of time, as many are still searching daily for "the one" and have not had success in finding the one.

So, now that you have the one do not let sexual doldrums or extra-relationship activities tear you apart. Stop them in their tracks or before they happen.

Amore Sexual Love Activation energies assist in firing up the erotic spark which was present in the beginning of your relationship. Face it, when sex becomes more accessible, it loses spontaneity and romance seems to fly out the window.

Amore Sexual Love Activation Will Assist With:

Re-kindling erotic fireworks & Replenish Passion
Accelerate Desire & Produce Pheromones
Enhance Body Image & Bring forth spontaneous sex
Brings back romance

Amore Love Activation- Master-$17.95

You will receive the Amore Love Activation manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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