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Temple Of Empowerment

Adama StarFire Reiki

Adama StarFire Reiki re-establishes the Genetic Codes of the original Adamic Man before the fall from God. The ray of the Adama StarFire is actually ultra violet hence the energys birthing name of Purple Star Reiki.

The energy ray works in the higher light spectrums of violet purple and indigo which buffers the ultra-violet fire and burns off lifetimes of karmic programs and family genetics.

This process heals and clears the soul of its karmic genetic patterns. It lifts one up to higher vibrations, destroying lower vibrational energy and thought patterns. It opens and clears the chakras, stimulates the kundalini to rise, and allows one to feel the Holy Spirit within.

Adama StarFire Reiki activates the portions of our brain that we do not use anymore.

This course is the NO symbol version.

Adama StarFire Reiki- Practitioner Level-$45.00

You will receive the Adama StarFire Reiki- Master Manual via Email, 3 Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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