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Absorbing Divine Blessings

There was light in my heart like lightning. The world changed into purity around me,
and my heart felt as if I had entered a new world. ~ Shelemah

Founded By Victor Glanckopf

Absorbing Divine Blessings Workshop energies heals and rejuvenates the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies!

Divine Blessings will transform all kinds of relationships, grows finances and opens spiritual channels to bring success to your life.

Divine Blessings brings balance to all aspects of your life!

Divine Blessings can open all your spiritual channels!

Absorbing Divine Blessings Workshop grounds these blessings into your life so they are assimilated!

As you activate these 3 remarkable Empowerments and follow the 3 powerful techniques your Soul purpose will blossom!

Your life will be continuously Blessed and Empowered!

Your heart and mind wisdom will develop, bringing into your life peace and purpose!

Absorbing Divine Blessings Workshop is complementary to all other healing modalities.

We honor all healing modalities and encourage everyone to continue to use whatever healing modality they wish to use in combination with Absorbing Divine Blessings Workshop.

You will receive the original pdf manual sent electronically by email and 3 distant attunement via chi ball method.

Absorbing Divine Blessings-Practitioner-$125.00

You will receive the Absorbing Divine Blessings practitioner manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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