Definition - "Magnificient healing energies of great
white light reflecting the effervescent sparkling colours of a sun filled
In the words of the founder, Adrien (Sutaaraito) Amadeo "Having
attuned numerous individuals to these energies worldwide since then,
PRISMology has been found to be extremely powerful and effective,
yet gentle and appears to work quickly (depending on the issue and
if the person is willing to release it, of course). PRISMology is
energy healing and is done hands-on or this way it
is similar to Reiki except that the symbols/energies and techniques
differ. It should be noted that experiences have found that these
energies are very complimentary to other healing modalities such as
Reiki and they may be used together very successfully. It should be
said that one modality is not better then another, only

Attunements to the 10 PRISMology symbols/energies (Note:
if you are learning via the internet you will receive a VERY effective
long distance attunement)
* complete and concise course notes including pictures
* distant healing technique
* Manifestation Power Grid
* animal healing technique
* attuning others to PRISMology - both hands on and distant attunements
* meditation
After each Practitioner fulfills the following course completion
requirements as set out by the Masters who have brought this gift
to us, the Practitioner will then be awarded their PRISMology
Of Light Healing Master/Healer certificate and will be a qualified
Teacher of this modality.
Requirements For Course Completion
* Practitioners are required to practice for a minimum of 30 days
after taking the course (giving healing and attunements to both people
and animals) and are asked to submit to the teacher written case histories
for 2 hands on attunements
written case histories for 2 long distant attunements.
written case histories for 4 healings ( 2 hands on and 2 distant).
written case histories for 2 animal healings (1 hands on and 1 distant).
written case history for 2 healings done on yourself.
PRISMology- $75.00
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Spiritual Awakening Network is a registered trademark
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