Hercules & Amazonia
Hercules & Amazonia are the Elohim of the first ray, the blue ray, of power, perfection, the will of God, faith,
and divine direction.
Devotees of this Ray desire to do the will of God through the power of the Father, the First Person of the Trinity.
When the fiat went forth Let there be light and there was light and God commanded the Matter creation to come forth
out of Spirit, it was Hercules who summoned the mighty Elohim and the Builders of Form to precipitate the divine plan
of the Solar Logo.
The Elohim releases blue-lightning protection and his momentum of will/energy/action in answer to mankind's calls for
strength and direction.
7 Rays Of Elohim- Hercules & Amazonia-1st Ray - Master-$12.00
Apollo & Lumina
Apollo & Lumina
are the Elohim of the second ray (the yellow ray) of
wisdom, omniscience, understanding, illumination, and
the desire to know God through the mind of the Son,
the Second Person of the Trinity.
Apollo and Lumina are guardians of the Cosmic Christ
Apollo's flame is a golden yellow enveloped in a sheath of blue lightning.
The blue flame acts as a protective force field of energy surrounding the
light of the Christ.
This blue lightning cuts through the density of human error and miss
qualification, clearing the way for Lumina's golden flame which manifests
the perfection of the seven aspects of the Christ mind.
The twin flames Apollo and Lumina infuse earth, air, fire, and water
with the intelligence locked in the center of the atom–the essence of the
diamond-shining mind of God.
Apollo & Lumina - Master-$12.00
Cyclopea & Virgina
Cyclopea & Virgina are the Elohim of the fifth ray (the green
ray) of truth, healing, constancy, and the desire to
precipitate the abundance of God through the
immaculate concept of the Holy Virgin.
Holding the focus for the all-seeing eye of God
and the purity of precipitation, these twin flames
assist mankind and elemental forms of life to
precipitate the abundance of the Spirit of God into manifest form.
Cyclopea & Virgina - Master-$12.00
Arcturus and Victoria
Arcturus and Victoria are the Elohim of the seventh ray (the violet ray) of freedom, ritual, invocation, transmutation,
transcendence, mercy, and the desire to make all things new through the
application of the laws of Alchemy.
The pulsations of the violet flame from their hearts produce the rhythm and the ritual of application of the law
through service and reverence for life. Arcturus uses the purple flame, focusing the scientific action of the law
and the transmutative essence of freedom, while Victoria radiates the violet (orchid-colored) flame, representing
the mercy and love of freedom.
The service of the Elohim of the seventh ray to this planet has been intensified during this century as the result
of the dispensation given to Saint Germain in the 1930s to release to the outer world the teachings of the I AM.
Formerly this instruction had been given only in retreats of the Brotherhood.
Therefore, at the opening of the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago in 1933, Arcturus began the specific
action of the freedom flame for the assistance of the Americas.
During that decade, other cosmic beings came out of the Great Silence (nirvana) to assist Saint Germain in his
tremendous undertaking on behalf of the evolutions of the planet.
Arcturus and Victoria - Master-$12.00
ALL 4 Elohim Light Series - Master-$42.00
Hi, Thank Victor I appreciate it.
I love Elohims, actually my conection with them is so strong I am Master Teascher too.
I feel the energy from the attumenent. love and blessings, Snezana
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