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Temple Of Empowerment

4th Eye Activation

Created by Mariah Windsong

Connects your tri-chromatic pathways to the 4 eyes of Horus with your eyes. A tri-chromatic system of Urim Thummin pathways in your brain , infused by the Strength Movers of the Light , for your brain and bodys ease to receive higher light frequencies. It will also help to translate accurately the messages that arrive in many sacred languages to your conscious awareness.

1) Activates your 4 th Eye with Amset and Alephs sacred energies.
2) Provides you with the Urim Thummin Empowerment
3) Creation of the tri-chromatic crystalline grid of circuitry resonance.
4) Swirling vortexes of the Four Eyes of Horus overlay your eyes.
5) Empowerments to 12 Strength Movers of the Light.

4th Eye Activation - Master-$21.99

Hi- Thank you Victor for the manual and attunement. I accepted the attunement yesterday afternoon. The energy is beautiful. Love Su Foh

Hi, The 4th eye activation, I can feel the eye. It's a bit un-nerving sometimes to have it be so present, but it's there. Overall, Victor, I have been very happy with all the attunements you provide. That is why I come back over and over again. Thank you for providing them! Blessings, Ellany

You will receive the 4th Eye Activation manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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