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Temple Of Empowerment

36 Strand DNA Activation

Created by Rosemary Noel

Pre-requisites are 12 & 24 Strand DNA Activations & a 7 day wait between each activation.

Your DNA contains the master plan of the Divine capabilities for your life and your purpose on Earth.

With 36 Strand DNA Activation you will be empowered to realize your highest potential as a divine being by unlocking yourself to all dimensions of the universe; with deeper levels of understanding after this activation.

During the course of this activation, light travels through every cell in your body. The light of the 36 strand activation will bring forth irrefutable clearing of your genetic blueprint and the welcoming energies will also clear karma manifested physically through your inherited bloodline.


Loving and more compassionate relationships
Accelerated growth and development
Awakening to your true spiritual destiny
Stronger Immune System
Lucid dreaming
Accelerated manifestation
Accelerated healing, detoxification & purification
New creativity and talents surfacing
Expanded memory
Increased brain capacity
You will receive attunement and pdf manual direct from founder & 1 emailed certificate for all systems received at one time.

36 Strand DNA Activation - Master-$21.95

You will receive the 36 Strand DNA Activation manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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