Varja Essence Attunement -- A New and Dynamic Attunement which
combines the power of all the Reiki symbols with a new Energy. This
has the effect of producing a profound deeping of Healing and Spiritual
Energies. After the Attunement no symbols are ever needed again. The
attunement is activated in a special way that is very very easy to do.
Open Eyed Meditation Technique
Varja Essence Manifestation Technique and Attunement.
Original Water Ceremony-Rarely Seen In This Form-Teachable after Workshop.
Encochian Initiations-Angelic.
Varja Essence Dreamstate Work and Attunement.
Angelic Initiation and Instruction to give to others.
Advanced Jo Rei Attunement.
Four special Antahkarana Attunements.
Varja Essence Power Sandwich.
Varja Essence Protection Technique & Attunement.
Varja Essence Energy Triangle.
Advanced Scanning Procedures.
Varja Essence Negative Patterns Clearing Technique.
Galactic Light Attunement.
Antakarana Transformed and Alined.
Varja Temple of Light Empowerment & Visualization-Journey To The Varja
Healing Temple Of Light.
New Attunement process from Usui's Original Notes Revealed.
Usui Mantra given from original notes-Recently Disovered.
Varja Essence is a dynamic path of healing and spirituality like
no other.
This workshop is an Energy Master's dream as it brings together and greatly
expands on Traditional Reiki with newly discovered writings of the founder
plus adds powerful Angelic Energies and Ceremonies.
it begins a series of Energy Attunements that are found no where else
on the planet.
Varja Essence is composed of 2 levels.
All Levels are complete within themselves and no-one needs to take another
Victor, Thanks for the Attunements yesterday, real powerful energy,
kept going the whole night. Blessings, Sal